FREE energy for Businesses

With the spiralling cost of energy, businesses need to make the very most of FREE Solar energy.  And Solar isn’t just for big business. Smaller businesses can reap INSTANT savings, and business installations can work out less expensive than domestic, as they may not need batteries… Our FREE site survey will help you decide.

You might be surprised to know that Business Solar can actually cost less than Domestic Solar. That’s because many businesses work during the daylight hours, so  your system may not need a lot of battery storage, if any. Of course, if you choose to invest in a battery storage system, you can use your free electricity overnight.

We can provide a projection of the likely impact a solar generation system could have on your balance sheet, and you may be pleasantly surprised. Our systems require no user input. The advanced control system looks after everything, and constantly ensures that your business getting the optimum benefit from your investment.

See how AMAZON installed enough solar panels to power 700 homes <HERE>

best solar for business

Simple Phone App…

An  easy to use phone or tablet app lets you see at a glance exactly how much your solar panels are contributing to your savings.

Some days your system may actually generate more power than you can use or store, in which case, your electricity supplier could even pay you for your excess power. Your energy supplier can advise you on their  best tariff.

Call us for now for a FREE Estimate